Our Services

The laws of Italy and the European directives require companies to fulfill obligations for which the necessary resources and skills are not always available in the company structure.

In particular, MITec's object of the collaboration is:
  • Applications for authorization Emissions into the atmosphere (Decree 152/06)
  • Authorization to discharge wastewater into public sewers or surface waters (Decree 152/06)
  • Requirements for the safety of workers in accordance with Legislative Decree 81/2008 The advice provided is aimed at supporting companies in the process of identifying risks (which derive from equipment, from substances used, from the state of the workplace) and the related necessary protection and prevention measures, processing all the necessary documentation.
  • Provincial and or regional Fire Prevention body approval of the chemical plant project;
  • Classification of areas with risk of explosion according to ATEX Directive
  • Document on explosion protection - Legislative Decree 81/08
  • Preparation of the Risk Assessment Document in accordance with Legislative Decree 81/2008
  • consulting in the industry of rules and directives such as:
    • Directive PED - 2014/68/UE;
    • Directive ATEX - 2014/34/UE;
    • Directive 2006/42/EC - machinery directive;
    • Seveso Directive - Legislative Decree No. 105 of June 26, 2015
    • Ministerial Decree 329/04 - assistance to users for the practices with INAIL and ASL for the verification of the first plant and the putting into service of the equipment / pressure units;
  • Periodic ASL checks of plants and appliances (electrical systems, earth and lightning protection, lifting systems, hydroextractors etc.)